Weekend Friday Favourites

I can’t believe we’re nearly 1/2 way through the year and I’m still a lazy bum who’s yet to redo her CV she’s been meaning to for a few months. It’s half completed, I’m having difficulty choosing a format (thank you Apple for making the layout easy) and with the selling yourself blurb bit. The bit, capable this that, you know the lines. Can I just let the CV do the talking. I mean does any recruiter actually read that bit? Is it necessary? I’m blah, blah. blah.

Wednesday’s run view IMG_9143 (1)

Anyways, I hope you’re having had a great weekend! I was the kid doing homework at the last minute again, with sleepy eyes, so sleepy I couldn’t stay awake it’s now a Monday Morning Friday Favourites. So without further ado, Weekend Friday Favourites, things that have been making me smile or caught my eye this week.

Lemur Bridge 

The keepers at Barcelona Zoo, are always coming up with new ideas to keep the animals stimulated. The lemurs recently got a rope log bridge and ladder and it’s been fun watching them get used to it. Fun on my part, maybe not with dignity for them


I mention that I wanted to try their Coconut Cutie Bars in my last WFF minus the cashews (they aggravate my eczema). I replaced the cashews with 1/2 cup almonds and 1/2 raw peanuts and they were absolutely delicious as an post workout snack. 100% vegan and super easy to make, they didn’t last long.

Via Laietana reflection waiting at the traffic lights cycling. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

AJ and D

As it’s getting hotter as soon as roll out my mat, AJ’s on there cooling down. For 5 minutes he refused to budge during a Yogaglo class. IMG_9295 (1)

Diesel doesn’t have one preferred sleeping spot. He has about 10 depending on the time of day. One of his latest spot’s on the balcony. IMG_9416

Meerkat Huddle Barcelona ZooOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Kombucha Bubbles IMG_9355

Sometimes after a long hot day all you want is a nice cold beer. For me it’s a nice cold glass of kombucha. It’s occasionally a beer, but then I’d never get what little I do get done before night naps take over! l prefer kombucha to beer anyway as I’ve never been a big drinker. Red wine, I’ve never understood it’s hype or liked it’s taste.

Plank Bird DogIMG_1782

These require some serious core strength! Unlike regular bird dogs where you have a kick stand being on all fours, taking up to a plank and extending opposite arm and leg makes everything dance! Extra dancing points for bringing the extended opposite elbow and arm together!

Internet Finds

Edible beer 6 pack rings. Saltwater Brewery came up with an ingenious solution to help reduce animals, birds and marine animals and birds from getting caught up in plastic beer 6 pack rings with edible ones. Please when at the beach or out anywhere don’t dump rubbish! I can’t tell you the amount of times running on the beach or at the beach I pick up straws, plastic bags, bottles, fishing wire and other bits of plastic! It’s not for the faint hearted, but this is what can happen, researchers in Costa Rica removing at 10cm plastic drinking straw from a leatherback turtle nose. 

Salma Hayek on the Graham Norton Show explaining how she tried to trick her husband into thinking she was having an affair when rescuing her 30th or so dog after she’d promised him she’d stop rescuing more animals. And her accent!

River revives after largest dam removal in the US in Washington state. Nat Geo

The Queen at 90, rather politely saying it might be getting somewhat tiresome being sung Happy Birthday during her 90th year. (scroll down link for video)

The Queen at 90 still wearing colour. She looked fantastic attending her birthday Patrons Lunch at The Mall in fuchsia pink. I’ve always loved how she’s never shied away from colour.

What’s been making you smile recently? Have a great weekend!



  1. says:

    Those cutie bars. They look so good. I still have yet to try kombucha.
    What’s great about red wine? My comment would be too long. 🙂

    1. says:

      They were good! They didn’t last long! I think you’ll like kombucha. It has a little alcohol in it. Not that I’m saying you like to drink, but you like your red wine 😉

      1. says:

        Oh…. Now I must try it! 🙂🍷

      2. says:


  2. The coconut cutie bars look delish. I may have to try them sometime.

    As for what it making me smile recently, I think that fact that my bump is as big as ever and it’s the final home stretch (both literally and figuratively) is making me pretty happy.

    1. says:

      I guess it’s any day now until the little one says hello! I bet you can’t wait to me him.her!

      The coconut cute bars didn’t last long! I’m now on a peanut butter version. Snickers minus the chocolate!

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