March 2022. The Long Month Part 1

I keep saying March this year was windy and grey yet looking back it was sunny! Sunny and cold! The second half was grey and cold making it a long grey cold month. All month long it was windy making the light on sunny days so clear and so bright.

Spring was saying hello with goslings in Parc de la Ciutadella. It was cuteness overload as I thing 4 geese families had chicks.

Sadly out of this family only 1 made it

I didn’t know that sea lions tail flippers are finger like. Zoo Barcelona

Puddle reflections. Plane tree pollen this year was intense. Each year it affects me differently. This year runny nose with some sinus pressure.

Red Panda

Zoo Barcelona inhabitants soaking up the warmer sunshine.

Stork has posing down

Exploring different parts of the city before the tourists arrive. It’s amazing how taking a different street to normal to get to the centre, a whole new barrio opens up.

International Women’s Day. Each flag pole had a different theme of women’s roles. This one made me laugh as I sometimes feel like rebelling against the housework. Some days that’s all I feel I do! Dusters up in arms!

Behind the most fanciest post office in all the lands. Correos Via Laietana

The grey half of March rolling in.

Nothing but sea spray for days.


Look out to Puerto/Port de Barcleona
Looking out to Port Forum

Beach clean up at one of the beaches after the first storm. The pile of bamboo ran the whole shoreline filled with drink cans, pens, lighters, jerry cans, bottles, light bulbs, clothes security tags, bras, shoes, hundreds of wet wipes, polystyrene clumps, fishing wire/lines, socks, bottle lids. Just a few things found. The thing I’m most curious about is where the bamboo comes from. Usually after big storm bamboo get washed up along most beaches here. There are bamboo farms in Southern Europe but I’m not sure if they’re by the coast to wash up so much bamboo!

Parakeets always looking down in judgment!

I’m not a bird spotter, I just like taking photos of birds as they make me laugh. I’d never seen this bird before so to try to ID it later when I remember I ended up only getting a booty shot 😂

Thank you for stopping by! March The Long Month Part 2 in 2 weeks!

1 Comment

  1. […] thing was covered in sand. So much sand the depth is shallower. I think the storms in January and March wiped everything out. When I cycled past I often wondered how the fish were doing in the storm […]

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