Snow in the City

It was snowing in the skies above Barcelona yesterday! And fell as ice pellets or USA sleet (sleet in the UK is a mix of rain and snow). The last time it snowed in Barcelona was I think in February or March 2010. It turned into slush before the day was out. I had to walk nearly half the city back as the metro came to a standstill. My feet froze walking back to my bike, then my hands froze to the handlebars pushing it back!

Thankfully yesterday it had stopped by the time I left to cycle in. I thought it had all melted so you can imagine my surprise and big dopey grin when I saw the beaches had a light dusting of snow ice. One of the few places where it hadn’t melted. Even a few TV vans were out! Sunny skies returned today but for one afternoon the beaches were a little piece of Winter Wonderland.

When it’s normally this cold or rainy weather most people stay indoors away from the beaches. But you know, photo ops…

Does it usually snow where you are?


  1. […] Saturday the council in that area was nice enough to salt pedestrian crossings. More snow photos here! This week we actually had snow! Sadly it landed as rain and I haven’t experienced so much […]

  2. thanks for sharing

    1. says:

      Thank you for dropping by!

  3. says:

    I hope they didn’t cancel class and stuff, like here xD

    1. says:

      In the city no. I think other parts of Spain they did. Some parts of motorways were closed off for a few days it was that bad.

  4. says:

    As I type this comment large, fluffy flakes are falling. Unfortunately snow is all too commen here. Some winters are worse than others. I’m surprised to read of snow in Barcelona. It’s pretty south right?

    1. says:


      It’s kinda south. Here’s it’s in the North East which confuses me as far as I’m concerned it’s south of the UK and in the Med! It’s not far from the Pyrenees which always gets snow. For the city it’s unusual but not rare to get snow. Thankfully we weren’t blanketed in it like main parts of Spain.

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