Beauty Finds: Karina More, Face Building Challenge Review

Welcome to another edition of Beauty Finds on Karina More Face Building Challenge! 

My blog isn’t political in nature, however like many at the moment I’m constantly checking updates on the war in Ukraine feeling helpless to help. All I can say is so many wars are started by insecure short men. The Ukrainian people are amazingly tough and proud of their country. 

There is a way you can support the Ukraine people through skin care. It might not be direct help, however money will go back to Ukraine.

Karina More Face is a facial exercise programme I found last year via Instagram. The postural exercises alone are worth the approx €17/£14.29/$14.89 course fee with full access for a year. A Master in Sports in Athletics, Karina, Ukrainian herself has developed a 21 day marathon which starts with 1 exercise a day building up to the full marathon in 21 days. Within the 21 days one exercise is added per day. She believes so many facial issues we want to fix such as creepy neck, double chin, jowls, expression lines, facial symmetry, under eye bags can be solved via postural stretches and draining the lymphatic system rather than with botox or fillers. The course also comes with a free body cupping massage routine to reduce the appearance of cellulite and help drain the lymphatic system. 

The first week focuses on postural exercises before moving onto facial exercises to release muscles that hold tension which in return causes expression lines. In addition the paid marathon she regularly shares freebie exercises on her Instagram page such as facial cupping, gua sha, tongue posture/position, nutrition tips and the science behind the nerve and muscle spasms that cause expression lines, sagging etc. It’s constantly on sale at 90% off which is nothing compared to so many other online facial exercise courses I see for $100 plus. Each move comes with a video as well as written instructions. I’ve incorporated all the exercises into the my own face yoga/exercise routine. I’m probably doing too much of them! I switch up the postural exercises with Gua Sha on alternate days. 

Do they work? My posture is so much better! My shoulders are now virtually the same level thanks to having a bag on one shoulder as a teen. My jaw’s more defined and the 11’s barely there! My favourite exercises work the chin, forehand and eyes. 

In 2014 she fled from her hometown Donetsk in Donbass to Kharkiv only to flee again 8 years later. When she can, she’s been updating on Instagram her journey out of Ukraine. At time of posting, she’s made it into Romania with her little boy, however her husband has had to stay behind as per the current martial law in force.

I like that she’s priced the course around €15-17 in most currencies ensuring many people with just with their hands can have a happier face they’ve always wanted without a huge price tag. I know we all age, gravity does its thing. If we can hold up gravity a while with just our hands while looking fresh faced with a little work everyday rather than injections, €15 isn’t much for life long knowledge.

Her Instagram: karina_na_more

21 Day Marathon: The only difference between the 2 sites is the layout and currency.

USA site: karinamore

UK/ European site: facemarathon

I tired to find Ukrainian beauty brands available in mainland Europe which has been almost impossible. Primor and Druni both sell quite a few Eastern European brands, however I could only find mostly Polish and Russian brands. There also seems to be few Ukrainian brands online. If you know of a cruelty free Ukrainian beauty brands please share in the comments below. 


  1. […] recently reviewed Karina More’s Face Building Marathon that I’ve been doing for over a year and shared her newly released book to accompany the course. […]

  2. […] featured in a recent Beauty Finds, Karina More’s 21 day facial massage, facial exercises and postural exercise to help lift the face without botox, […]

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