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The past few weeks, if I’ve missed the zoo where I mostly practice my photography I’ve been making myself take photos regardless. Sometimes it’s using a different lens when another would be better cycling through the park. I have to think more, change position, look for different angles. Sometimes it’s because I’ve really miss taking photos if I haven’t for a few days because life can get same old.

The basic course I did in January helped a great deal though it only touched the photography world. I find myself looking at images thinking how did they get that angle, colours, if fashion photography how did they imagine the shoot, nature photography thinking how long did they hike, swim, climb, abseil there, set it up etc. I’m making an effort reading and watching more photography how to’s though I’ll admit sometimes it’s hard to get my head around the terms and I don’t always make time read crash when get in. Recently watching an episode of Netflix’s Abstract The Art of Design, a little voice said you should have taken that art foundation course before university (I did neither) as I was too lazy and had even less of a clue than do now with direction. I think it was because I didn’t like the design process, the sketches, the you can do better, the thought process to set up an idea when you have none, that my predicted grade didn’t make my actual grade to get in which is why I didn’t go. And now I’m watching these people with well, look how they did.

Last week I watched a CNN clip of two fashion photographers Mert and Marcus who work as a team saying yes they want to make a connection with their subject, they want to be that person other wise they’ll take a beautiful picture of a flower, which they’re ‘not good at’. I like that they don’t see themselves as just fashion photographers ‘we just do pictures’. They wanted to show a more darker abstract side in their photography. That got me thinking, there’s nothing wrong with a pretty flower, but think differently when it comes to photography which is how I feel about my blog at the moment.

Geese Parc de la Ciutadella 

I’m always torn between it being a diary, being more concise with thoughts and feelings, tips, advice, just photos or skincare and make up, switching from WordPress hosting (loading photos and editing’s frustrating and takes forever. Always a delay editing). It’s my blog so it can be what I want it to be, but like Spring comes sweeping in new weather, I’m finding myself seeking changes with it. Perhaps the biggest change or rather challenge is setting aside more time, sticking to a schedule to find joy in it again and maybe even shock play before work. I love writing, I know I don’t write about the biggest life changing, in depth, mind blowing or deepest thoughts, feelings and content yet what I do post makes me research more, think of places to go and see so it’s no the same old same old. I mean you can set a timer with my weekends! I find a exhibitions, galleries I’d like to visit the same always happens. I want to be outside not inside. I can look on the internet but it’s not the same as seeing the artwork in person. 

Anyways this is nearly becoming a self therapy session, so I’ll leave you with some photos that haven’t made the blog recently for various reasons, missed posts, how to work in the content, the different lens days, things seen out and about running errands. Enjoy!

Incoming! Feeding the pigeons, geese and seagulls Parc de la Ciutadella Preening Pictures of people taking pictures (Jack Johnson)El BorneMuddy bird prints Container ships. These ships are seriously massive! SunriseNo photos!Because I like the line up

Are there any courses you could have done years ago but never did?

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