February 2020 Catch Up

It’s nearly Spring already and the end of March! One of the longest months aside from April. How did that happen?! 

February this year was a good month purely for the reason I was still on my holiday vacay!

Welcome to the jungle. Manoa Falls, Oahu Hawaii

The first few days in February were spent in Oahu, Hawaii before flying back to California to explore the Big Sur and see Bill Burr in some random outback country town part of California. Driving to the venue we were rubbing our eyes if what we was seeing was real. We drove through a mini Danish town right down the black timber architecture lit up with fairy lights. That part of the trip was bit surreal in a let’s get out of here.

Room View from Ilikai hotel and Luxury suites, Oahu, HawaiiManoa Falls, Oahu Hawaii. Can you see faces in the rock?!The most magical botanical gardens yet. Lyon Arboretum, Botanical Gardens Oahu, HawaiiNorth Shore, Oahu, Hawaii

Initially we were going to spend 2 weeks exploring the Big Sur and maybe Yosemite and Sequoia National Park. With Yosemite snowed in, P looked at the map think Hawaii’s not too far away. 5 hour by plane. In hindsight maybe 2 weeks would have been enough along the Big Sur or 2 weeks exploring Oahu. We didn’t know the Big Sur wasn’t just the coast road. The whole area is filled with National and State parks to hike in. Each day in each state was rush to get to places before they closed or to fit everything in hiking the shorter trails. We also wanted to check out Target, Ultra (that would be me. Hehehe!) and all the other stores non North Americans hear about. I never did make it to Bed Bath and Beyond to see what the hype was about. We did find a Pottery Barn with 25% off all purchases. I was good just one candle holder. But hey, our holidays are always last minute so why change? That’s not to say I didn’t have a great time. I did! I was sad to leave Oahu and equally as sad to leave California (although I was happy to being lifting at the gym, back to gym climbing and everyday cycling). It took and is taking a while to get over that holiday. Reality hit with a big smack in the face when back for more than one reason. I’m for sure be sharing adventures over the next few months!

The Big Sur, CaliforniaMonterey, California

The rest of February was taking up still getting used to not having the cats around. I know it was AJ’s and D’s time to cross the rainbow bridge. I accept it, but it’s hard. February marked 1 year, AJ crossing the rainbow bridge. A few days before I kept thinking about him where we were staying coming in to say Hi. Doing his cute head rubs, walking into a room just checking in. It’s not that I forgot it was his anniversary. With travelling I kinda lost sense as to what day it was. Only looking at the calendar when we got back, it was that day before we’d been travelling back. I lit a candle the next day hoping he’d forgive his Mama she forgot what day it was! If I hadn’t have been travelling I would have remembered. He knows I think about them everyday. It’s a warm feeling knowing wherever I am in the world he will find me or his cat soul will find me. I’m hoping D will be able to find me to wherever I maybe if he wishes to.

Just some of the laundry when back!

The house is still way too quiet. My routine’s been all over the place as it is doesn’t have as much structure as before. 17 years a Cat Mama. Everyday I miss those 2. The evenings are the worst. During the day the house is filled with noise and light from outside as I have the windows and balcony doors open. In the evening’s there’s an empty quietness. I still haven’t removed their beds, or D’s beds as AJ didn’t have a bed, their cat tree or scratching posts. Everyday I make a nest with the blanket on the bed (AJ’s bed). P know’s I want another be it a dog or cat but I’m not sure what’s happening the rest of the year. Add to that I’m nearly 100% convinced that the air pollution, wifi, mobile towers is what made them both ill for a few years. I’m not sure it’s fair to put another animal through that. But is it fair to leave an animal in a shelter?

Storm Gloria damage back in Barcelona The sea tore up some the jetty. The rags are from sanitary towels and/or wet wipes/throw away cleansing cloths. There’s a water cleaning station just up the road and this is what gets flushed away.

It took a few weeks to get back to feeling as strong as before going away. I worked out nearly everyday but I for sure noticed I wasn’t as ‘firm’ or toned. Climbing took about 2 weeks to be feeling as strong as before going away. When I rejoined my climbing group I was amazed how much they’d progressed in the 2 weeks I was away! My first run back was little tough but running didn’t take as long to get back into. Maybe as I’m a slow dumpy runner away!

And of course Barcelona Zoo photos!

Sea lion enjoying the winter sun!DSCF9091Scooping up water to cleanWashing time! Gossip, Wallabies

So that’s my February! I’ve been making sure I’m not shopping as much which includes going anyway that requires an entrance fee, but then begin back in the city, I’ve never been the one to go to exhibitions or events. I’m happier going for a bike ride. But I can’t tell you how much happier I am the days are getting longer. I feel a lot more productive and happier! 

Edit: Spain’s now under lockdown due the covid-19. Shopping if it’s not food is out. Everybody when out, wash your hands more, keep the recommend distance, if you can avoid going on social media as much. Check in with the official channels for updates. Social media fear can make even the most self assured person doubt themselves. Keep safe! 


  1. says:

    Great pictures as always and great trip! I wonder when traveling will be ok again… I do hope I can go to Spain for my brother’s wedding!!

    1. says:

      Thank you!
      Travelling has to get back to normal. I think for sure the lockdown will be more than 15 days maybe a month. I’m not sure economically it can go on for more than that. When things have calmed down it’s going to be big mess to sort out.

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