Catch Up

Hola! Hello! Where’ve ya been?! Long time no see!

Now that Mercury is no longer in retrograde I’m feeling more myself. Yep, that’s what I blaming my absence on for the few natjtan readers. That and time ran away with a huge creative slump.

P was back for a few months. Laundry tripled! Laundry can take what seems life forever more so when hanging it out to dry. Flip side I got lunches and some dinners made for me! One thing I always like to be ahead of is laundry. No one likes to run out of clean socks, knickers or pants or favourite wardrobe items. Thankfully laundry now the days are hot, dry in a day. It makes coordinating everyones laundry day easier. 

I’ve switched climbing classes from the evening to the morning along with teachers. I’m learning a lot more tips and tricks, although much of it is breathing and trusting in myself and feet. We’re always told to breath, talk to ourselves, not listen to ourselves. One thing I’ve learnt that is more difficult than climbing up indoor boulders is climbing down them. We get told it’s not proper climbing if we jump from the finish. If we can my class has to climb back down even if it’s an easier climb next door. Jumping is for when we fall making a move or can’t figure out how to get down. One climb the whole class had to do the climb again just to climb back down as we cheated jumping down! I think the idea this way is to trust our feet and legs more as well as build up leg strength. One thing I never realised starting climbing is that climbing involves a lot more leg work than I initially thought. If your feet feel secure, you’re more happy to make arm movements.

I’m also trying out street photography. I’m not sure if this classifies as street photography though.

Thanks to P being here I got out the city for a few afternoons. Sometimes it was to a quieter beach just out the city for the afternoon. City beaches get crowded, though I one go to is less touristy. An easy way to know if a beach is more for locals is by the amount of colour parasols. Even when the beach I go to is busy it’s still quieter and less packed than the others. 

Castelldefels for an afternoon. When we left everyone was getting ready for St Juan. An all nighter on the beaches with fireworks. It was D’s first St Juan without Mr Aj. He did good. I wanted to be back before the fireworks started (St Juan’s celebrated throughout Spain) however we didn’t make it in time. D was a bit unsettled but didn’t run and hide. Aj was never really bothered by fireworks, however many times when things got scary I’d find them sitting close. I ended up lowering the blinds, carrying on as normal with extra ear scratches. Now it’s hot, forget him being a lap cat. It took him a few days to feel settled as there’s always fireworks and crackers for a few days afterwards. I like the idea of celebrating St Juan, I just don’t like it from an animal’s point of view. Too much trauma. I also had to bring my laundry in from drying. The air was heavy with smoke and low visibility!Mama I don’ts like firework 

Climbing in the morning I thought would free up time. No! I climb after class and still run or gym later if it’s a run or gym day. However there’s less pressure making everywhere on time. The knock on effect the day after sometimes hits me by oversleeping. I don’t have to explain how oversleeping affects the rest of the day!

World Press Photo exhibition at CCCB. Free entry for Barcelona’s annual night at the museums. Get to the museums early! P went ahead with a friend with me catching up with them later (climbing first!). He queued for 30-45 minutes. I queued for about 1.5 hours. By the time I got into the exhibit, I was already over it. I forgot my glasses so had to butt in front of the invisible viewing parameter feeling like I was in the way. Don’t get me started on people whispering. Dry whispering. There were some intense images and obviously I preferred the animal ones. If you get a chance to go, it’s worth a peek. Sadly none of the exhibits throughout the rest of the museum came to life.

If I can I try to sneak of the beach to escape. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to my dip in the sea. Something I’ve learnt is on a hot humid day only sea water can cool you down for the rest of the day. Cold showers don’t have the same effect. That’s where time’s gone. Beach siestas!

Of course there’s been the zoo. The only place late afternoons to escape the now more crowded city. The past few months I’ve got good, thanks to the beach and climbing at not spending as much money. Not wanting the plastic packaging helps or the plastic in general. Being fussy about cosmetic ingredients stops impulse buys. Most of what I look at I don’t need anyway! I say no, walking on by.

I think this little one’s in flamingo kindergarten nowHungry Cattle Egrets chicks to feed!Flamingos don’t let issues, usually over nesting boundaries and personal space simmer. They get them over with asap

I’ve recently found some great new skincare brands. Aussie brands are stealing my love for Korean brands and discovered also some fun Spanish brands. Freshly Cosmetics being a favourite as are Kora Organics and Dr Roebuck’s small Sephora selection. I’m also trying out rice water and ground black sesame seeds sprinkled on salads for my hair. I’m hoping they’ll help slow down the whites and I’m working my way through reef friendly sunscreens. I’ll be sure to review them here! So yes, I’m back! Productivity feel’s so good!

How’s your summer going? I’ve also managed to catch up on some books. Slowly slowly working at putting my phone down. Instagram maybe once a week and YouTube’s getting less. Like everything it requires effort to shift direction or speed. Just like Mercury.


  1. […] as to why I’ve been absent lately I’m blaming here on Mercury being in retrograde. That’s my excuse! Anyway I hope you’re having a great weekend and lets get into this […]

  2. says:

    Glad to see D is well and happy (you, too, of course).

    1. says:

      Thank you! Hope you’re all okay too!

      1. says:

        We’re great!

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