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Naked Trees Photography Project


Naked trees still hold my eye. The way the light bounces, shines, reflects and lights up branches, twigs, leaves and bark making you realise just how amazing trees are.

Spring’s in the air early this year with a few trees getting dressed already for the warmer months. Even a few cherry blossom trees are blooming. Mid February spring started whispering hello with higher than usual temperatures. This winter’s been dry with nearly endless sunny days making great look up at the trees admiring their branch and twig patterns, geometric shapes as you let your imagination go wild. I can’t help but think those sunny winter days will bite here with a few weeks of endless rain. Just not when I’m cycling please! Rain’s needed though, everywhere needs a rinse to shine bright again. 

Back in January the sun was beginning to rise higher in the sky I see crazy a reindeer or mousse!February’s usually the coldest month here. This year it was filled with sunny days taking away any chill.February’s snow moonDancing stick men with pom poms cheering the sun?!March, tree’s trimmed for regrowth and tree’s getting dressed!

How are the trees looking where you are? What do you see in trees winter dress? Please share in the comments below!

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