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Mid June In Andorra


Back in June we ran, okay walked our first and maybe last Spartan Mountain Series Race, the Spartan Super in Andorra. For the record I’ll run more Spartan Supers, but at sea level or low/foothill mountain range like where the Barcelona Spartans are held. The Andorra terrain and altitude got me! Thanks to them this Super took me nearly as long as the Beast a few years. I’m a sea level girl for sure!

Post race day we took our time heading back to the city. We asked for a later check out as we knew we’d be tired and we wanted to explore bit more of Andorra. The view from the aparthotel window was too tempting not to. Plus it was a chance to get some fresh oxygenated blood in achy calves and quads, while soaking up nature, silence and fresh air. 

You can just see an eagle on the peak!The Friday we arrived the clouds were so low we were up in them. They stayed away right up until we left.

As usual we set out with a loose plan. Follow the river until time said turn back. Along the way it evolved into having cup of tea at the next town, Soldeu. If we have had more time I’m sure we’d have walked further along the river, however P was worried about getting back in time for the later checkout so we kept it as short. He wanted to return along the road, but I was we’ll be quicker walking back as we’ve seen most of the views, I’m camera shutter tired and it’s mostly downhill. I wanted to spend as much time as I could away from roads. The 1st night we walked along the road into Soldeu (more a village) which was way steeper than the river path with the footpath not clear. That night the skies were clear and I’ve never seen so many stars light up the sky! Stars so bright you could see stories of how we came to be originated. Stars so bright looking up, you get why people want to know more about the universe, what’s out there. Star magic. Only the brightest stars shine through city pollution. Seriously on a good night in the winter and spring I can see Orion’s belt and the usual constellations if I’m lucky (and if it wasn’t for the app Sky View Lite, I wouln’t know which constellations are which!). 

Waxing moon and just a few of the stars!Start of the hike

I’m glad we followed the river path as it was one of the prettiest hikes yet. While back in the city I was beginning to wear shorts, I set off in leggings and a puffer jacket! It warmed up later just enough for shorts and T, but my head was ‘I’m confused, It’s June, you’re in winter clothes, yet yesterday it was warm enough to burn where you didn’t apply sunscreen in a rush before running.’ City girl!

One of the many snow melt streams that followed the path or cut across it.A larger stream crossing the path, P placed more rocks across for more stepping stones. I still got wet!

The sounds of silence you get in the middle of nowhere was take up by the river full of snow melt. (which was f’ing freezing! 2 of the obstacles were crossing or wading through it. Water so cold you loose your breath for a few moments!). In the 2 days we were there, the last patches of snow high up on the peaks melted.

Pretty bench and the pylons and ski lifts that dotted the landscape.Along the path we found puddles filled with tadpoles! Sadly many had died as the puddles evaporated. I’m sure Mama frog knew what she was doing so I hope lots made it. The flowers as well as the temperature got me too. They were like March flowers in the UK which was nice to see as again city living, I don’t get to see spring flowers apart from at the zoo if I look for them. And yes, I took way too many photos!These guys were so beautiful! I felt sorry for the one that had to wear the cow bell.Another snow melt streamOn the way back P spotted these guys, marmots! Until next time Andorra!


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