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Spring Time


Happy April!

I’m back! Where cha go? Did you get away on holiday? Did you escape for an Easter Break? Did you loose internet connection? No, things got busy. Mr D the cat hasn’t been too well so vet visits, P’s here and there just wasn’t an opportunity to say hi, although I did escape the city for a few afternoons.

As usual with catch ups I’ll let the photos do the talking with a chit chat! 

Good Friday we made in time to enjoy a few hours at Jardi Botanic Marimurtra in Blanes. We’ve been before and it’s like walking into a tropical garden with a hint of Mediterrean. I’m not usually one for botanical gardens unless they’re filled with tropical plants filled with plenty of being someplace tropical daydreams so this one’s perfect for me. Plus it has some amazing sea views! It was super windy making for some great sea crashing the cliffs shots. I’ll be sharing more photos over the next few weeks as I took way too many photos.

D’s not been feeling too great. After a few weeks of throwing up, diarrhoea, not getting much better after his previous vet visit back in March, raiding my lunches and dinners and constantly asking for food, he may have issues with his small intestine in addition to his on going thyroid probs. He was back in and is now on special hypoallergenic food to see if it’s a protein allergy. Which Aj’s on as I can’t separate them at dinner time and that’s giving him is own issues. Insert wailing emoji.

I’m back on the monkey bars if I have a chance on long runs as I would like to run at least the Spartan Super this year and if possible the Beast. The distance training for the Beast I won’t enjoy as I’m happy my longer runs being 10-15km. If I sign up I know I have to start training the distance and then some. Indoor climbing’s fun even if it’s getting more difficult and frustrating. We’ve moved up to from blue climbs to green and there’s a huge difference in difficultly. I can feel I’m getting stronger even if physically climbing I feel the weakest in my group (while feeling stronger for my own workouts). I’m the only girl and the shortest so sometimes it feels okay, most of the time I have to work harder to reach the grips when the guys just stretch out their arms. I haven’t yet got the explosive power or swing yet and meet the floor on almost every green climb when the guys after 1-2 attempts have it. I know also it’s a mental thing which I’m working on. Sometimes it’s the grip/hold. I’m uh oh, this one’s a new shape, not gripping it enough and greet the floor.

It’s warming up slowly! I’ve ditched my winter coat in favour of denim jackets and while I can, taking the opportunity to run the shore line as much as possible before beach season starts. All I do then is dodge people going or coming back from dips/swims. 

Zoo visits as always to escape, get a nature fix. 

How’s your April going so far? Have a great weekend!

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