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Last Week Of Summer 2017


Happy Autumn Fall!

First up, my thoughts are with those dealing with Hurricane Maria and in Mexico. Stay Strong!

This week I actually had something of a social life outside the gym. That said I can go to the gym and not talk to anyone the whole time I’m there. Some days it just goes like that. Other’s I run into people I know and I end up running late. My hair’s also had it’s long over due trim and Oway rebuilding treatment Oway rebuilding treatment as it’s autumn fall Equinox hair magic time.

For the past year and half I’ve been getting my hair trimmed around the Solstices and Equinoxes when the moon’s magic is more powerful. I once mentioned to a hairdresser I wanted long hair and she recommended cutting it around the full or waxing moon to promote hair growth. Likewise if you want to retard grow it’s the opposite when the moon’s waning or nearer a new moon. I was game and after discovering Morocco Method lunar hair chart, I took it to the change of seasons. Farmers have been following moon cycle’s for eons growing crops so it had to work on hair! In the UK I never heard of lunar hair cutting and now I’ve started talking about it to people here in Spain so many of them are up on it. Even my friends from South America and they have gorgeous looking hair. After discovering PAS peluqueria, C/Duc 14 and them helping treat my hair back to health, this year I’ve really noticed a change in regrowth to previous years. My hair sheds like crazy during the summer and this year’s regrowth is something else at the moment. It’s in better condition, shiny, yet wild looking. Not to mention so long! Last year my old hairdressers always used to take a lot of the ends due to damage. PAS understand I want long hair and the treatment they use really helps on the longer older drier ends without taking off that much. For once I was excited to go to the hairdressers as I knew how much better it would look afterwards And maybe as I have to sit and do nada for an hour or more. It’s still longish as thanks to the sea and sun frying the ends where the damage is the worst, it was a 2 finger width trim instead of one. Still longer than previous hairdresser trips at the end of summer.

Anyways I’ll leave you the usual photo recap of the past few days!

Rainy run

Last Friday Autumn Fall said Hi for a day. Rainy grey 16C is cold after 23C. So chilly I was in leggings and a rain jacket all day. It was the last day of the Zoo’s summer hours so I had to go taking one last opportunity of late closing. I’ll enjoy getting back from running errands earlier afterwards but not the race to get there earlier. Knowing few animals would be out and too wet for my camera I still went only taking a few photos with my phone, yet I enjoyed being in the moment walking around listening to the rain and birds. 

Sunny skies returned Saturday which was spent catching up to chores, TIU workouts as yes, it’s a Saturday so their workouts instead of mine, attempting to study but getting too distracted before heading to the park. 

My plan was to cycle there and on the way back get AJ’s the cat’s medicine, which turned into an epic pharmacy hunt. The usual pharmacy I go for this medicine was out, so too their supplier to order in. With vague directions given for the 24hr pharmacy, as it wasn’t too late I decided to checkout other pharmacies in my area. Unable to find one open, I ended up asking 2 girls directions to the 24hr one, who gave way better directions. They kept repeating them as I didn’t understand the name of the street. It’s a name I have to see written and spoken at the same time to get it! They explained well enough however I didn’t need to know the name. When I reached the road which I recognised immediately as I’d been to before I was okay, 1st pharmacy open I’m going in! It didn’t have his medicine (getting the prescription was hard enough as the vets missed my emails and I only had enough until Sunday evening) however the lady was kind enough to call their other pharmacy. They had it and sod’s law it was 5 doors up from the 24hr one.

Coming back I got a little ‘disorientated’. Confused by the barriers of the Ronda Literal running parallel under the street I was on, I took an exit too early forgetting I had to go 2 blocks down before hitting the main Rambla in my area. I hit it but went up instead of down ending up on an industrial estate. I managed to find my way back and the dog walker who’d I seen when I first came off the main road. If I had followed them I’d have been fine! 27km later Aj had his medicine with my quads doing some serious talking.

Sunday I cut my run short thanks to the extra cycling Saturday. Honestly I wasn’t feeling a long run. Once I decided to cut it short I was suddenly keen to get out and run as it was already getting late! I enjoyed it more than I would have a longer run. The morning was spent catching up on blog work, tidying, attempts to study before realising the time. Being just warm enough for a sun siesta, I dropped by the beach before heading to the zoo for some much needed greenery. Which was stupid busy. With beach season over, the zoo’s now in vogue before it gets too cold. Thankfully going before last entry, most families are staring to leave.

Sunday run wind sock All grown up

The rest of the week’s been beach runs, errands, dinner out with friends after work, gym, realising I’ve upped my workouts so recovery’s been a little more. Which results in my September Challenge beat the snooze button’ not going so great. I’ve watched on YouTube one of Simon Sinek’s talks and took away to buy an alarm clock, remove my phone. First test is up tomorrow. The phone is too distracting. I’ve already cut down on Instagram and YouTube, yet those night naps are still winning. With a week of my challenge to go, getting regular sleep schedule’s the key which I haven’t found yet.Last day of summer 2017How was your last week of summer? Do you follow lunar hair cutting?

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