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Winter’s Last Weekend 2016/7


Happy Spring!

I hope you had a great weekend enjoy Winter’s last few days. My weekend was no surprise quiet however after a week of getting back late I sometimes enjoy not rushing and being the stay in party animal I am.


Friday saw my first run of the year in shorts! Okay, I’m slightly embarrassed by how pale my legs are. Being fair skinned in a country where the skin tone’s olive I feel like I kinda stick out. My legs however are paleness they are and I’m not a redhead who tans quickly. Yes there are redhead’s who tan in an instant and I may get a little envious of them. My legs carry me through so much and in a few weeks months they’ll have a little colour even with SPF 50 slapped on. I hope this year my shins get some colour. I have random patches of vitiligo and the past 2 years my quads have tanned, the space between cropped leggings and trainers running and cycling to the gym in the winter have, with the space in between below my knees a few shades lighter. Maybe my quads get more colour cycling. I dunno.

I made the zoo later, just. Sunday they switched to Spring hours and I enjoyed the slightly more leisurely pace cycling there and extra time walking around. That is until sunbathing season then I’m sprint cycling again. Two of the gazelles had babies! I never realised how small bears eyes are compared to their body size

My local Sephora recently closed for refurbishment and the grand opening was Friday. 4 weeks of no local Sephora to look around, I’d missed not seeing and inhaling colours and being surrounded by all things beauty and cosmetic. I don’t have to buy anything I just like looking around. The refit feel so much more spacious and the lighting’s 10 times better. I’m still patiently for Zoeva in store. Currently it’s only available online and I want to swatch before buying.


Up bright and earlyish with workout (Tone It Up’s of course as it’s a Saturday) and chores done fairly early (though I don’t like cleaning bathrooms at the weekend) I was undecided what to do. I’d made the zoo Friday so didn’t have to try to make the gate for my p&q fix. I wouldn’t have made the botanical gardens in time and I didn’t want to be cooped up doing all the computer things that needed doing. I opted for a quick bike ride along the beaches to say hi to the sea before cycling to La Maquinsita centro commercial. I’m after new bikinis though it’s still too early in the shops. I’m glad I did go shopping as I caught an amazing sunset cycling there.

No plug!


Run find and vista

As most of my Sunday’s are on repeat, this Sunday wasn’t any different; a long run, the zoo who’s Spring hour timetable and loudspeaker weren’t syncing. I ended up asking a few members of staff is it closing now or at 7pm. I didn’t want to get locked in! The evening was spent working on blog posts and snuggling with the boys (cats) catching up on some of my favourite YouTubers. Sunday’s the day everybody seems to upload.Some of these guys came over to say hello then went crazy licking the metal fence. I guess for minerals. Goats do crazy things and I swear Diesel (the cat) was one in a previous life. 

How did you spend Winter’s last weekend? Or Summer’s if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere!

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