I See You Spring

Happy March!

I’m getting excited. Spring’s saying hello! I can feel it’s buzz in the mornings, it’s warmth, the light’s changing from it’s soft winter glow. Late Winter, early Spring’s coming a close second to my love of Summer. In about 2 weeks I’ll be switching out my winter coat. It’s warm enough early afternoon to have a lighter jacket but the mornings and evenings say different. I’m hoping that saying if March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb and vice versa the lion’s roar’s worse that its bite. The next few weeks look sunny and windy and I’ve got my fingers crossed the wind’s the lion. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Now the days are getting longer myself and what seems like everybody else wants to stay out for longer. I can’t say I’ve been winning with night naps recently, but I’ve been winning in the mornings getting up earlier. I’m calling it transition time. I like getting up early and obviously if I get up early, I’ll be tired earlier but night naps have been epic recently. I’ve checked out thyroid signs, but I don’t think I come under any. It’s more breaking it, readjusting and then seeing if I’m still as tired. I probably don’t fuel enough. Same old, somethings never change. I have been breaking up my weekends recently, getting to the gym earlier. Maybe I’m coming out of Winter hibernation or just saying enough. Sort sh*t out. Anyways, I’ll leave you with some pics of the past few days.

Cycling through Parc de la CiutadellaOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARun views img_9642img_9659-1Running errands in the centre Friday img_9637Up bright and early Saturday, workouts done early (Tone It Up workouts as it’s a Saturday) and I even made some post workout peanut butter coconut date snacks for the first time in weeks. In the afternoon I made the zoo before cycling to La Maquinista for some non grocery shopping. That shopping doesn’t happen often.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFlamingos take baths. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI see youOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I’d been looking forward to my long bike ride I had planned all week Sunday. The wind wasn’t in my favour coming back but that didn’t stop from not wanting to go back straight as I was enjoying the sunshine so took a detour coming back. It was too nice to stay in! That’s the problem as the days get longer I want to stay out for longer! img_0016img_0014I love these benches/flower potsimg_0030Detourimg_0078I’m making more time for reading books this year and I had my own book club going on Sunday evening. I started Saturday and am nearly 3/4 through The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, a Toltec wisdom book or a ‘practical guide to personal freedom’ as recommend by Karena of Tone It Up. I can see parallels with Goldie Hawn’s 10 Mindful Minutes with the agreements (be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions and always do your best); changing your mindset, being mindful and for example how when people are angry ‘at you’ you aren’t necessary the cause of the anger.


February’s last sunsetimg_0119

Are you looking forward to Spring? Aside from allergies (they’ve started already. Insert weary wailing emoji) I can’t wait!


  1. says:

    Hooray Spring! I’m more than ready.

    1. says:

      Me too! I switched out my winter jacket today. Felt free yet a little exposed my bum wasn’t covered. I got used to the extra length and security it gives!

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