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Weekend Friday Favourites


I read about people saying they have mum guilt, leaving kids going to work and feeling guilty for leaving them, but does anyone else experience cat mum or cat you’re my human guilt? I swear it’s legit. My cats can be sound asleep for a few hours yet 10 minutes before I leave they start to get active, want attention, food, give me looks that make me feel bad I’m daring to leave. 9 times out of 10 without fail they do it. 

Anyways, Weekend Friday Favourites, things that have made me smile or caught my eye the past few weeks as I missed last weeks.

Energy Detox Yogi Tea

I’ve been breaking up night naps the past few weeks. They still happen but they’re getting less. My local supermarket’s started selling Yogi tea and the Energy Detox caught my eye. They’ve been helping break up night naps (I’m winning, although my weakness of YouTube takes over the napping and naps have been epic this week) with a combination of getting back a little earlier. I don’t have a cup every evening but when I do they give a burst and change of energy. The combination of lemongrass, liquorice, ginseng and ginger is helping me break up night naps as long as I drink it before those ‘just 10 minutezzzzz’.

Ears Pierced

2 weeks ago I missed a zoo and I found myself in a tattoo parlour getting my ears pierced (it was either that or Claire’s with little kids) again. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while and finally took the plunge. It hurt a little and I’m more or less used to them although I’m looking at photos of those who haven’t had any piercings thinking how pretty their ears look and looking at 2 lobe piercings thinking how pretty some combinations look. Will I get any more? No. Two’s enough for me. A tattoo? Nope not for me.

Longer Days, More Sunshine

It now gets dark dark around 7pm. 4 weeks until the clocks change thought I won’t be looking forward to slighter dark mornings again for a few weeks afterwards. Neither will this boy. He’s liking the sunshine being more easterly as he can sunbathe on the bed.

Aj likes the warmer mornings as he can sunbathe while playing neighbour watch on the balcony. 


I missed the zoo gates a few times and the parakeets in Parc de la Ciutadella were happy to pose instead.

Pacifica Natural Body Soaps

As I try to produce less waste I’m gradually switching over items and products when I can (and want to) to more zero waste alternatives. Shower gel’s one of the easier ones to switch out for body soaps. It took a while finding ones that don’t contain palm oil with Pacifica being one of the few cruelty free manufactures. Palm oil isn’t listed, most of the ingredients aren’t even on their website so I’m hoping they don’t contain any. As for it’s shower gel alternative properties, it lathers up nice with a konjac sponge. The only thing I haven’t liked so far is the plastic wrap it comes it in addition to the box. A different brand when I chose a few just came in a box making it more recycling efficient. I couldn’t decide on which scent (does anyone else say flavour instead of scent with products?) so I’ve stocked up I think for about a year. So many yummy scents to choose from, Hawaiian ruby guava, Indian Coconut Nectar. Yes please!

Standing Donkey Kicks, Plank Donkey Kicks

This is from one of Tone It Up’s latest premium workouts, Booty Abs, from the Body Love series featuring Jillian Michaels which I’ve incorporated into my own workouts this week. It’s tough but fun! Perform a standing donkey kick: jump as high as you can while brining your heels to your bum then immediately drop to your hands with arm straight as if to kick up to a handstand but bring your heels to your bum (like a donkey kicking!). Land standing to repeat all over again. Good postures required as you’re working those abs with all the jumping and kicking!

Zoo Pics

I made the zoo so you get a few zoo pics. I’m hoping they improve the bear’s enclosure soonGoing, going, new ropes for the lemursWhere’s Wally?

Internet Finds

Conan O’Brien’s show is always good for a giggle and a pick me up if you’re feeling down and so’s Graham Norton. There have been way too many The Graham Norton Show clips I’ve watched this week to link.

Malaria Chair. CNN. How one chair could save thousand from malaria.

Kitten Academy. BBC News. A foster home in Oregan US set up a 24 hour kitten cam in hope more people will adopt a kitten after seeing it’s personality for a few weeks. The clip I watched un-embarrassingly I’ll admit there were plenty of squeals at the cuteness. Even if you don’t want to adopt you can get a kitten antics fix. BBC News

Vegan Saudi prince wants the Middle East to go green. Care2. If a Saudi prince can go vegan so can so many others or maybe go vegetarian or just cut down on meat consumption. He’s also an animal rights activist who “no longer owns any interest in the oil and gas industry investing instead in supporting sustainability, high tech, coal power, renewables, green construction, plant based restaurants and more.”. He’s even has his Father transitioning to being vegan.

How do animals see in the dark. Because I asked and Google answered.

The Massai’s warriors saving lions on the Tanzania Steppe. CNN

Dog who spent 15 years on a chain is going on so many adventures. Care2

What’s been making you smile the week? Have a great week!

Plank Donkey kick image from Google Images

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