Weekend Friday Favourites

This week has gone so fast it seems like I’m just catching my breath and getting organised. Honestly I don’t know where the first 3 days of it went. I didn’t get as much done as I’d liked but I did get massively swollen eyelids and under eyes. So puffed up my eyelids were nearly touching my eyebrows. Never have they ever got that bad. The worst was the under eye area or bags. That was like the Ghost of Christmas Future visited if I don’t take better care of myself.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I’ve no idea if it was something I ate, touched, a reaction to a new mascara, too much YouTube/looking at an iPhone, not enough sleep, lady’s holiday (all ladies here right?!) or the weather (the air filter’s has been kicking in on auto a lot this week) but never have they been that swollen. The swelling’s almost gone though I can still feel pressure in my sinuses and a metallic taste. I’m drinking as much water as I can and remember to, but I’ve no idea what made my eyelids so delightfully swollen and me so tired. Oh and throw in a stye too.

Anyway puffy eyelids aside, I hope you’re having a great weekend and I’ll leave you with Weekend Friday Favouites, things that have been making me smile this week or caught my eye.


No spray paint? No probs. I love the artist’s ingenious though my environmentally conscious side says no to parcel tape. I would have ended up with it everywhere!

Roald Dahl Magic%22and-above-all-watch-with-glittering-eyes-the-world-around-you-because-the-greatest-secrets-are-always-hidden-in-the-most-unlikely-places-those-who-dont-believe-in-magic-will-never-find-it%22roal

Always look for magic it keeps you happy and young. No matter how bad things might be there’s always magic, a little something like a sunny day, a good cup of tea, the taste of water, a good eyeliner day, the way the light catches something. Okay they’re not the greatest examples but you get my drift.

Aj and D, Yin and Yang

I decided this week Diesel the King of Cool. He can make any random, awkward sleeping position look comfortable. The more awkward his head, the more comfy. And his swagger! I swear if he was human, he’d skateboard, ninja train or run parkour. He uses sofas and walls for propulsion and loves being up in high places. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Mr Aj I decided is the King of Chill. He can make any sleeping position look the most chilled out rested sleep. He’d be a yoga teacher if human. He can jump without knocking things over, loves to take it easy, do regular neighbour hood watch patrols and leaves the crazy 5 minutes of sprinting around every day to his brother (that’s not to say he doesn’t pat paper balls and balls around. Usually in the wee hours). Stretching’s his thing and has this thing or ballerina leg where he literally does single leg downward dog.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


The surfers have been happy this week.


TRX Up Down Plank 

This has to be the hardest thing strength wise I’ve done since the Spartan Beast Chain carry. Perform an up down plank with feet in TRX or suspension trainer stirrups. After the 3rd set they were easier and harder than doing up up down down planks onto a wall (hands on wall while in a plank.). Adding spice my suspension trainer isn’t fixed at the top where the strap meets the anchor so the handles have a see saw effect working the core that little bit more. I’m hoping I can transfer some the gains into yoga arm balances. Some of them, the strength isn’t there, I can’t work them out or I’m too hesitent.


1 week to the full moon.

Internet Finds

Eric & Peety, Mutual Rescue

I think every nutritionist should prescribe a shelter dog for losing weight. I had tears streaming down my face while simultaneously having a huge grin plastered on my face. YouTube

Pixiwoo: Natural Glam Vs InstaGlam

If only for learning to do an eyeliner flick first then line eyes. Something so small that’s made a huge difference. And I’m natural glam. YouTube

A Fighting Chance. CNN. Former Congolese child soldiers started a boxing school for street kids to help ensure they don’t get caught up in being child soldiers themselves.

How Trees Talk To Each Other Using Fungi. CNN. Amazing!

Playful Humour: The Dalai Lama’s secret weapon. CNN (again! I do read other news sources!)

What’s been making you smile this week? Have a great week!


  1. says:

    The beach pics make me so happy to see. It has been rather dreary here. And I don’t know what is going on, but I too got a stye. Never get them, but it is miserable!

    1. says:

      Stye’s are miserable and there’s nothing you can do except let them run their course. My mum used make me apply a cotton pad soaked in warm salt water. Haven’t done one in ages so no idea if it still works.
      Happy the beach pics make you happy. The weekend was grey and windy with this week sunny skies. The prediction next week is like early spring. Hopefully some’ll come your way soon!

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