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Weekend Friday Favourites


Without sounding too much of a Scrooge, I’m happy messaging Happy Christmas, Season Greetings whatever. In Spain Christmas cards aren’t the norm, but my family expects them and if you want to be in good books then amazon becomes very popular. This is because no UK animal charity who sells Christmas cards will ship outside the UK. They’re missing out on a huge market! I’m more the Scrooge writing them. I mess up so many I have to buy at least an additional box to make up for the errors. The messed up ones end up getting cut up into tags.

Christmas lights along Gran Via. They’re the same as last year, the year before and quite possibly the year before that. I still can’t work out what song it is. That’s if it’s a song.

I can’t believe December’s here. Well, actually I can, it crept up quickly as always and BAM! I don’t like Christmas shopping much in November, but the fact that most of my family is in the UK means everything has to be sent off by the 18th to arrive in time. It can get a little hectic finding gifts for them in time. And those writing cards.

Anyways, Weekend Friday Favourites, things that have caught my eye or made me smile this week.


A few nights cycling back along the same stretch I’ve heard a bird singing. The first few times I said you’re up late until I thought maybe just maybe it’s a nightingale. I laughed at my imagination. They don’t live in cities! I only thought it could possibly be one after listening to 24hrs of bird songs in Museu Blau of a National Park outside of Barcelona. I couldn’t find any information that there were any in Barcelona itself, only outside the city. At the zoo this week I checked out their list of wild birds at the zoo and yes, they have nightingales! I feel honoured to hear him as I cycle past him now.

Christmas Lights

Christmas lights were up early this year. Can they stick around until the end of January? It’s nice having them brighten up the dark winter nights.

Sunny Skies

Sunny run view

A few days this week there hasn’t been a cloud in the sky! For weeks most days it’s been overcast or cloudy. The cats have been up to tricks sunbathing.

Sandbag Flips

My gym doesn’t have tyres to flip and after watching one of my gyms HIIT circuit classes gave me an idea to flip sandbags instead (no copying, they were doing something else!). And they’re fun! I don’t get to work my back or shoulders as much in flipping height, but they still work just about everything like a tractor type flip. While I did these on Thursday I’ve still no idea what I did Tuesday to give my abs DOMS. I haven’t had such muscle ache in ages. It took until Friday for it to ease up!

Hand Prints

Hand prints near the El Corte Ingles Placa Catalunya/Avinguda del Portal L’Angel pedestrian crossing. They’d been repainting the road tarmac arrow signs the week before so maybe one had a little fun. But then one’s smaller than the other so who knows it’s origins.


I was up to see a few this week (this is same one about 15mins apart)

No Leche de Vaca Hot Chocolate

P taught me how to make non dairy hot chocolate! I know, why haven’t I done it before. The kitchen ain’t my thing and I don’t usually have plant milk in the house. We went out last Saturday for a bike ride and a Starbucks hot chocolate for a treat but didn’t get the hot chocolate. I researched before if it was vegan and reviews said yes, as I remember one barista said the powder has cows milk in. Anyway, the barista after we asked for soy milk said the powder does indeed have cows milk in. We left empty handed, but P being the great chef he is, made me a cup after getting caught out in a massive downpour on a motorbike trip the next day. I’ll share the recipe later!

Venus and the Moon, El Borne

Internet Finds

CNN: I like their spin on this: Plastic Island

Usually people go, awe poor bird, fishy tangled up in plastic…doesn’t affect me. CNN places the emphasis of the Pacific ocean garbage patch with plastic particles going up the food chain to humans. People may think more about it then. I’ve watched reports before on Midway Atoll, but it wasn’t so much the human risk that stuck with me, the birds and sheer scale of the plastic washed up. It’s made me want to reduce my plastic consumption more, which is hard when your local supermarket insists on bagging a pineapple instead of placing the price per weight sticker on the brand tag like before. ‘My boss says’ it’s for security reasons’. Not everybody will reuse it or recycle it! It’s a long report but the video is worth watching.

BBC: 100 Women 2016: Meet Arizona’s old-age cheerleaders, the Sun City Poms

This gals put a smile on my face. They have such infectious energy! I wanna do the splits at 80! Erm, start practicing now.

Leprechauns exist. BBC: Millon dollar bucket of gold stolen in NY (I couldn’t help myself. The guy’s short!)

CNN: Cat yoga. The Mewest exercise trend. If it helps cats find new homes I’ll all for it!

What’s been making you smile this week? Have a great week!


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