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Weekend Friday Favourites


Please excuse Weekend Friday Favourites on a Monday. All I had to do was sort out photos, add links and edit last night. My eyes got so so sleepy before I knew it, it’s Monday morning:

I can’t believe this weekend is the 2nd to last weekend of of summer. From next Friday the zoo closes an hour earlier until the clocks go back when it switches to winter hours. That’s weeks from now but it’ll fly! There’s still however a week and half of summer to go. Autumn Fall can wait a little longer. 

Anyways, I hope you’re having a great weekend and I’ll leave ya with this weeks Weekend Friday Favourites, things that have caught my eye or made me smile this week.

Greenday Freeze Dried Pineapple and Strawberry Chips

Last weekend I found these in Carrefour along with broccoli chips and apple and strawberry chips. Thankfully P liked the broccoli chips thanks to his non sweet tooth as after 2 the oooh look freeze dried broccoli wore off. The pineapple chips didn’t last 5 minutes in a trail mix and the strawberry chips I think I inhaled in less 5 minutes. They were tasty. Kinda like the strawberry pieces in Special K or muesli. Whole strawberries that melt on your tongue!

Sunsets and Reverse SunsetsIt’s still warm enough for shorts and a T cycling back in the evenings for a little while longer, though getting used to cycling back in the dark is making me a little sad and thinking of layers. Sunsets having been making up for the early darkness. I don’t usually get to see them and the colours have been purples, golds and pinks. 

Beach Panda Philosophy Con sol, mar y arena hay vida – with sun, sea and sand there’s life.

En Bambu, se respira verde – in bamboo you breath green (or something like that)

Touch Down Skater Lunges/ Side Skaters 

These are basically the same as skater lunges, except rather than use the arms for balance and speed, you touch down opposite hand instead: hop left, land left leg, touch down near left foot with right hand. Hop right, land right leg, touch down near right foot with left hand. As you have to squat a little deeper as the opposite arm is touching down rather that cross body for balance and momentum, your bum and supporting leg work harder. I did 3 sets of 30 secs Tuesday and was still feeling them slightly on Friday. Wednesday running the gluteus medius and minims were talking loudly.

Rio Besos

I complete forgot I took this last week! I love how the dogs want to play, the ducks are getting ready to roost (do ducks roost?).

Half Full Waxing Moon

Lemur Barcelona Zoo

Their snaggle tooth!

Internet Finds

Conan learns to play water polo

Conan meets a spider monkey, which lead me Conan and the sloth and cougar kitten which lead me to Conan and the……..

Cats pulled alive from rubble 16 days after last months Italy earthquake

Police sniffer dogs sniff out electronics

Pandas are no longer an endangered species. Sadly easter gorilla’s are now critically endangered.

Zika spraying kills millions of honeybees as if they haven’t got it bad enough already.

What’s been making you smile or caught your recently? Have a great Monday!

Side skater lunges image courtesy of Google Images

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