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Riding with Fine Hair Tips



Sometimes it’s the simplest things that help with the bigger things.

It took my hairdresser less than a moment to work out the problem what took me a while to figure out. Why my hair was looking damaged. Particularly looking and feeling dry. I wear a baseball cap cycling (helmet on long rides) so at least the top half looks presentable at my destination. No extreme windswept, dragged through a bush backward looks or cowlicks. Running it’s up in a mid to high pony tail and a baseball cap. 

This past Winter and Spring it’s been a lot windier that usual (thanks El Niño). My main route in and out the city’s along the beaches. It’s normally windy, but this year it’s been heavier, more frequent and stronger. So strong it stripped the moisture out my hair! By the time I’d figured out it was the wind, no amount of overnight coconut oil hair masks could remedy it.

When I last got my hair cut 2 months ago (I get it cut every 3 months around the equinox and solstices. Depending on you hair wants, you cut it following the lunar cycle) my hairdresser noticed straight away the problem remedying it by saying she’s leaving me for 5 minutes while a hair mask does it’s thing. When I mentioned I cycle everywhere, I didn’t even have to finish my sentence saying I don’t think the wind’s helped. Having fine hair herself and rides a moto she knows a thing or two about fine hair. Despite not being blessed with thick hair that doesn’t move on moto and motorbikes. (I swear I seen girls waiting on motos at traffic lights and not a hair’s out of place. It’s long, straight and glossy under their helmets. If that was me, it’d be already looking like it’s full on tangles) she shared her number one tip.

Wear your hair in a plait/braid/trenza.

So simple! Why didn’t I think of that! She even advised what type of hair band/elastic to get, the small 2-3 cm width that you tie twice so it doesn’t fall off. 

Had it helped? Yes. I can’t say my braiding skills have improved in the last 2 months. I’m sure 5 year olds could plait better. It’s pain sometimes as it’s another thing I have to do before leaving, but I have noticed a difference. The bottom half is in better condition and softer. The front looks a little dry, but these are the pieces that fall out the plait and the cap. Running it’s up in a bun. It took less than 1/2 km to realise I was going to have bruises on my cheeks if I continued running with it in a plait. In the summer I usually put it up in a bun anyway. It helps reduced damage from sun cream and sweat. The only issue I have is how it makes me feel on blah days. You know some times you just want to feel the wind in your hair and done with being practical! But I remind myself, dry hair or healthy looking hair? It’s just a 30 min bike ride!

Bonus effects: if your hair’s fine and unruly slightly wavy like mine, beach waves and a hint of volume. Straight fine hair, I think it’ll add again a hint of volume and keep it looking glossy!

This is where if I was a good blogger I’d have a plait and a bike shot. Or a plait photo at least. I think we all know what a braid looks like. But here you go anyway. It’s usually tucked under the scarf hiding my hair skills. 

What are your hair woes and tricks and tips to keep on top of them?


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