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Weekly Photo Challenge, Treat


Remember remember the 5th of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot!

One thing I miss about the UK is Bonfire Night. Back in 1605 guy called Guy Fawkes (pun completely intended and it’s where we get guy from) was found attempting to blow up King James I when he was in parliament on the 5th of November. To celebrate the king was still alive, every 5th of November bonfires are lit through out the UK with a effigy of ‘a Guy’ thrown on the fire accompanied by fireworks. It’s a great time to visit the UK with public firework displays being held the weekend before or on the night.

When I was a kid, we had a bonfire and fireworks in the garden. My dad used to spend a week or 2 building it, I pestered him to mind hedgehogs and my brother, sister and I made a guy out of old clothes and newspaper. We cheered on my Dad lighting fireworks and watched the fire burn while eating tomato soup and bread rolls my mum baked. Oh and sparklers! How can I forget making wishes and writing my name with sparklers! In London, I turned the TV up loud for Mr AJ who’s never really be bothered by fireworks after his 1st Bonfire night and watched London light up from the windows!

This weeks photo challenge is Treat. Treat for me is travelling, taking time out for a pedicure even if it’s DIY, a trip to the movies, the physio, coffee out or just watching TV snuggled up with the cats for once. I always knew growing up my life was not to be in the UK. I didn’t know how it would happen but thanks to P, it did. I always thought it’ll be America, but Spain ain’t so bad! Enjoy!

Trip to Athens, Greece in August this year.

Aegean Sea

Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus, Acropolis 

Sunset over Athens from Parliament Rainbows! Always a treat to see!And how can I forget ice-cream! Vegan ice cream which is a treat at €4.50 for 3 scoops as 2 scoops ain’t enough!Treat Weekly Photo Challenge Treat

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