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Weekend Friday Favourites


Wifi is back! 3 days without internet and only 4G, I felt a little lost. I couldn’t ask Google random questions that pop up or watch many videos. Ok, maybe a few I asked which resulted in topping up mobile data. It’s alarming how much we rely on it. On holiday I know there’ll be limited internet access and accept that. But when you’re used to it 24/7 to be without it, you realise how much you use it. And I didn’t get any more done than usual without it!

I hope you’re having a great weekend! We actually have some plans this weekend to go exploring outside the city, if the weather cooperates. Rain and motorbikes don’t go well together. Anyways, Weekend Friday Favourites, things that have been making me smile this week or have caught my eye.

Forever21 Rabbit Slippers

These have been keeping my tootsies warm all week! I couldn’t resist them when I spied them in Forever21. They were leaving with me. Somehow I’ve managed to keep them clean for a week, but I don’t think it’ll be too long until Miss Graceful spills tea on them.

Nectarine, Pineapple, Strawberry, Lime and Coconut Water Smoothie

The past few weeks, I’ve been making an effort to make smoothies at least on run days, to get more energy in. I throw in spinach or kale in every now and then, but I prefer fruit only smoothies. This was delicious and the lime adds a twist.


After a week of being grey and overcast, sunny skies returned Thursday and Friday (as did all the beach goers). Sunshine always makes us feel a little more happier or puts a spring in your step!

Sunny run view Friday 

Baby Zebra and Wallabies, Barcelona Zoo

Baby zebra rocking a mohawk and it’s not fair how long wallabies eyelashes are! 

Aj and D

They’ve been working the chicken scam again this week. Aj’s going back to the vets next week for tests. He’s been losing weight, has had tummy issues for a while and the vet now wants to start running tests ruling out possible causes. Both are on chicken all weekend until Aj’s appointment. D might have a thyroid problem, which would explain his crying wailing at odd times. The vet however wants to treat Aj first, then Mr D. I swear it’s just a ploy for chicken instead of crunch and excuse to sleep all day in a chicken coma.

H&M Plush Kabuki Brush

I love this brush! I’ve been using Sephora brushes as aside from El Corte Ingles (Spain’s only department store) it’s the only place to find good quality brushes. Sephora own brand’s got competition! With this brush, powder stays put for longer and it hasn’t been clogging the compact powder surface as much, which I found the Sephora brushes were doing. It’s a little cheaper than Sephora’s too, €9.99.

TRX Pendulum Swings

I can do TRX oblique ab tucks (both knees to one shoulder) fine, but pendulum swings take it to another level! The trick is not to use momentum and use the abs. They’re sneaky. Much harder than they look, but are fun!

What’s been making you smile this week? Have a great weekend!

TRX Pendulum Swing image taken from Google Images.

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