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Weekend Friday Favourites


The big day’s here! Sunday I’ll be officially a Spartan! Aroo!

Not officially a Spartana just yet. I have to prove myself in battle first! When I cross the finish line and my training has paid itself, then I’ll allow myself to be called Spartan.

My battle plan is to have as much fun as possible, take my time, embrace the mud (ha!), wing everything I haven’t trained for, be prepared for more burpee’s I’ve ever done in one day than in my whole life and have 100% belief there’ll be no old ankle injury flare ups. The most important factor is to have fun. Nerves Adrenaline will kick in and do it’s thing. Coconut water and a veggie burger afterwards will do their thing.

Weekend Friday Favourites! Things that have made me smile this week or caught my eye!

Lemon Water and Peppermint Tea 

I’ve joined the morning hot lemon water and afternoon peppermint tea brigade! Since last Friday night being ill, I haven’t wanted coffee. I had half a cup Sunday and Monday, but it didn’t taste right so this week I’ve skipped coffee! Instead hot lemon water in the morning and peppermint tea for an afternoon pick me up. The scary thing is that I haven’t had any coffee withdrawal symptoms from my usual 2 day (I think I detoxed it all out Friday night!) or felt as tired, which defeats coffee as a stimulant. I’ve actually felt lighter and cleaner from not having any. Peppermint tea I’ve always enjoyed, just got out of the habit and both are great for digestion. The only thing I have to be careful about is when buying the tea, go for poleo menta, peppermint, not menta or spearmint which I don’t like nearly as much. And of course both organic if possible!

Rediscovered Forever21 Handbag

It’s time to switch around handbags now it’s getting cooler for a darker colour. I can’t find a cross over one I like that isn’t leather, too big or one that’s opening and strap is secure against pickpockets (Barcelona is renowned for pick pockets), so I’m using last winters from Forever21 which I rediscovered sorting out this week. It was a little scuffed around the buckle, nothing a black Sharpie couldn’t fix (shh!). I still have my rucksack cycling for water and snacks, however I like the option of hands free bags, hence cross over, but it has to be simple yet chic!

Rhino Nursery Barcelona Zoo

This guy is huge but is a softy at heart. His enclosure this year has been a peachick nursery. I took this 2 weeks ago with a late peachick and it’s mama. He just sat there letting them roam around. I think he enjoys the company!

Indian Summer

Summer made a little reprisal this week. I’ve got used to going outside and feeling a slight chill in the afternoons but Monday and Tuesday it was back to shorts and hot, with Wednesday back to leggings! You bet I made time of the beach! I haven’t liked some much the rain this week. The other side of autumn fall days.

AJ and D

These 2 have been up to their usual tricks of eating, sleeping, washing, sunbathing, making a mess in the bathroom (litter everywhere) with Diesel answering me back. I was proud of Angelous not running away from the workmen who came to assess the balcony doors for repair. Normally he runs for the duvet and hides.

Medicine Ball Slams

Always a favourite of mine! They work pretty much everything, targeting the back, shoulders and core with a high fun factor! Every now and then I amp them up with a 180 degree squat jump, though find I have to drop the weight if I do. They’ve been Spartan relevant this week!

Internet Finds

Fox cub rescued from being tangled in a football net.

Nat Geo Sumatran Rhinos

I never knew Sumatran Rhinos were hairy or the males sounded like whales! I hope these guys can be pulled back from extinction and it’s another reason why I try to avoid products containing palm oil.

Rats sniffing out land mines

When nature takes over after man made disasters

What’s been making you smile this week?

Medicine ball slam image: Goggle Images


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