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Weekend Friday Favourites


I’ve just checked the calendar and little wave of nausea hit. 3 weeks until the Barcelona Spartan Race. How do that happen? Am I ready for it. No, but are we really ready for anything?

I’m signed up, but yet to find team or decided to run it solo. My initial team are now running the Beast. 20km with 30 plus obstacles. I signed up months ago for the Super 13km with plus 25 obstacles after triple checking that’s what they were running. My thinking sign up early, so you’ll train, not hope there’s a space last minute. That worked didn’t it. I don’t want to waste my training. Equally I don’t to drive back knackered and maybe sporting an injury large or small. P’s working so can’t help. I do have a plan, I’m waiting for a reply. Or I suck up the long train journey there. If it was just just outside the city, I’d be fine. Or just not run it. B*gger!

Anyways, Weekend Friday Favourites. Things that have been making me smile or caught my eye this week. Who know’s maybe one day it’ll be posted on a Friday! It’s short one as most of week I’ve been preparing my lesson plan for my Outdoor Fitness Coach course, trying to sneak away for the last few days of summer beach sun (anytime after 4.30pm forget. It’s chilly warm) and not do my evening crash when get it. I managed 1 evening to stay awake, so that’s progress! I recognise some of the triggers. Part laziness, habit and it’s mind game not to fall into the trap. I’m working on it, some head space would be nice, but nobody wants to hear that. It’s my fight!

Parc Ciutadella. La Merce

This weekend is the La Merce, Barcelona’s party to itself. It’s a weekend early which has thrown me as it’s always the last full weekend in September. There’s voting next weekend, so it’s been put forward a weekend. The official day is next Thursday (with public holiday just for the city) with 3 days of celebrations and events all around the city. Sadly I won’t be participating in my favourite event Corre Foc as I have to be up early the next day 🙁 Parc Ciutadella this week’s full of surprises in every corner. Part of a aeroplane, mechanical horses and things that look like they wouldn’t look out of place in the movie Around the World in 80 Days!

Parch Cuitadella after training clients Friday. The lamp posts always remind of Narnia!

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil Decorative Owl Candles

A Zara Home find. I’ve always wanted a set of the see/hear/speak no evil monkeys. These are the next best thing from Zara Home. Zara Home has this thing for decorative candles which I don’t get. Does anyone burn them? I also have my eye out for the Buddha yoga cat sculpture!


Barcelona’s surfing season’s started early this year. A sign, summer’s saying see you later!

Barcelona Zoo, My Sanctuary in the City!

I didn’t know zebras had stripes on their ears!


Like this?

Lawn Decorations 

Miss Granny

I actually watched a movie on Netflix this week!  A rare event. A Korean movie (I do watch English language shows!) about a 70 year old Grandma who’s about to be put in a home, goes for a walk, finds a photography studio, who promises to make her look 50 years younger and leaves being a 20 year old again, yet only in body. It’s only of those you just watch and not have to think about apart from the subtitles. It had me laughing and crying!


Tille the Golden Retriever stays with her friend Phoebe the beagle until help arrives. 

Modern Day Indiana Jones. Nat Geo Lure of Lost City

Nat Geo Red Panda Day. So cute!

What’s been making you smile this week? Have a great weekend!

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