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Weekend Friday Favourites


There’s something about Fridays. No other days holds the air of excitement like a Friday. The week’s finished and if you’re lucky you have 2 days free!

This weekend will be a little sad. I’m saying see you later to one of my few friends I have in Barcelona as she’s moving  back to Germany. We don’t see each other as much as we used to, but it’s one of those friendships where you don’t see each other for ages and pick up where you left off. I’m happy sad for her. Happy as she’s returning back to Germany which she’s wanted for a long time. Sad as I’ll miss her!

Anyways, , Friday Favourites nearly on a Friday for once! Things that have been making smile this week or have caught my eye.

Fabletics ES/Spain Summer Selfie Winner!

Monday afternoon I received a big surprise. I’d been selected as one of 3 Fabletics ES Instgram winners as part of their Summer Selfie campaign! The rules where show off your Fabletics attire training and you win a free outfit! They didn’t mind I use Fabletics UK with my mum forwarding parcels on due to only bring able to order in Spain with a Spanish card (I have one, but it’s strictly for utilities). They even credited enough to cover shipping when I choose my outfit! It was a great way to start the week! Thank you Fabletics ES!

TRX squat to shoulder flys and cross body mountain climbers

TRX squat to flys really felt like they opened my back and shoulders this week. From a squat position holding the TRX handles facing in with arms slightly bend, jump out wide to a sumo squat taking the arms wide (keeping shoulders shoulders down, chest open and abs in!) and then jump back in. I think I grew a few centimetres afterwards! (I know I’ve seen them somewhere for a link but I can’t find it!)

Similar to regular mountains climbers, cross body mountains climbers you take or sweep opposite knee to elbow. These burn! I always feel them in my abductors, shoulders, obliques and core!

Thursday Reverse Sunset

Taken after the thunderstorm and rainbows

Geese Park Ciutadella

Usually after training clients in the park, I take a little bike tour of the park. I always seem to end up by the boating pond. Something scared these guys and they were off!

The Lion and Hyena Whisper

Not even my boys great me like this!

Zara Home Palm Tree Coasters

Like I need an excuse to go into Zara Home, these caught my eye while I was looking for some thing for my friends baby due soon. It’s always a fail keeping hands in pockets so I don’t touch and end up buying something. So maybe I do need an excuse! Unfortunately I think I picked up a dud pair. There are meant to be 4 different designs after realising 2 were the same after I ‘used’ one and checked their website. B*gger. Still I like them, however after checking their website they have some more tropical ones with birds on that have caught my eye. Well, you need a few coasters in every room right?

Men In Black Safety Defenders Air New Zealand Air Safety Video

Cheesy but fun! The All Blacks team up with Air New Zealand to demonstrate the usual air safety demo you can usually just see. But wait, did I?

AJ and D

D couldn’t wait for his new Kong Kickeroo’s packaging to be removed and Mr Aj’s been cooling off on the balcony.

What’s been making you smile this week? Have a great weekend!

Cross body mountain climber image taken from Google images.


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