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The Moon, The Rain and The Zoo


I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see autumn collections in a warm July as last Friday.

I’d been looking forward to my a grocery free window shop Friday. I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted. Something I had for lunch didn’t agree but I shopped through it. It was the last day before the last weekend of the sales. I was on a mission, find some bikinis before they disappeared until next year and checkout the last day of Zara Home sale. Cycling there I got caught in a thunderstorm. Thankfully it was warm rain and after a week of will it won’t rain today, I wouldn’t be surprised if some people were dancing in it. Leaving the house last minute I threw in a cardi in my bag which caught the worst of it, but I knew cycling back I’d get chilly. Thank you next season’s jumpers. Never before have I been happy to see you in July. Usually you’re an unwelcome reminder summers end’s is near.

I hope you had a great weekend! Spain’s national unofficial holiday month, August has begun. Some parts of the city get a little busier, others get a little quiter. Some places shut in the afternoons or close completely for a few weeks. Everybody wants to make the most of summers last full month. I decide to study. Ha!

It was a quiet weekend, roof workout, run, beach, zoo and what seemed like endless washing. I’ll let the photos do most of the talking.

Blue Moon cycling back Friday. If a month has 2 full moons or a season has 4 full moons, the 2nd and 3rd respectively is a blue moon.

I felt better Saturday but couldn’t face my own workout. Instead Tone It Up’s, Bikini Kettlebell routine and a mix up of their Bikini Abs and Best Quick Ab Workout. They kept me on my toes. It’s  good to do others workouts, I get new ideas and inspiration. I’m enjoying my new Saturday workout location the roof. Even if it’s hot, there’s shade and a breeze. 

A massive thunderstorm early Saturday morning kept everyone away from the beaches. Sunday, they were packed again! The sun came out most of the afternoon until I got there. 

Beach read. Call me vain! I workout virtually every other muscle, so why not my face. Have to age gracefully somehow! 

I haven’t been feeling long runs recently or many of my runs. I do them, but seem to go through the motions. Sunday, I said 10km, no deciding 5 km, I can do 12, 14. I stuck to my guns and enjoyed the shorter run. Maybe that was due the wind, cooling way and edging me on the other!

Fish off the pier

No Sunday is complete now without a trip the zoo. I’m a member, so my visits more or less workout free the amount of times I go. It’s my sanctuary. At the moment towards the end of the day when few people visit, I feel like I’m on a tropical island somewhere. It’s the only place I can find silence and listen to the wind in the trees in the city. Can you tell I was brought up in the country?

Chimpanzee drinking

PeahenLike this?She’s backCute and he knows itIf If you live in a city, where do you go in the city to escape the city? What’s one item you always shop for in the sales? Have a great week!

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