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No More Jelly Beans


I’m a everyday is as good a goal making day as any day kinda girl. I don’t need New Year as a marker for new goals, resolutions and plans. It does serve however as a reminder, reflection of just what have I done this year or with my life. Time goes so slowly yet it goes so fast. My only ‘resolution’ this year or next is more walk, less talk to get those goals done. We can all talk the walk, but walking the talk? That’s the goal! Oh and better scheduling.

I hope you had a fantastic Christmas! Mine was a quiet. An amazing sunrise, gym in the morning after stockings, Paul’s roast potatoes and gravy for lunch and movies in the evening (a tradition I started when I spent Christmas alone here). If you get a chance to see Interstellar, I highly recommend it (sorry, ladies, Matthew McConaughey doesn’t take off his t-shirt. What?! No.). A great movie and great actors.

Where’s mine? I’ve been good this year!

Sunny skies all day

Friday, a hike around different part of Parc de Collserola overlooking the city. Just missed the sunset walking back, but I mangaged to capture last twilight light. It’s crazy to think that as you watch the last light of the day fade away, someone else is watching a new dawn. I try to make an effort catch first light and the sunrise. There’s something energising about it and not to mention 9/10 it rises a big ball of flamingo pink.

Parc de Collserola

No tin of Quality Street this year to work my way through. Instead a huge tub of tasty jelly beans from Paul (400g in 4 days. I’m surprised it took 4 days). Now the negotiation of burning them off along with the mince pies, cinnamon rolls, one too many chocolate covered almonds begins. Friday evening I was craving broccoli and kidney beans something crazy as my body wanted alkaline foods to neutralize the sugar. Too bad no broccoli left in the  fridge and no shops open. And lets not mention how all that sugar makes your teeth feel. I swear no matter how many times you clean them, it clings to the enamel for days.

Apart from continuing to work my way through jelly beans, the weekend was quiet. Gym, too much time on the internet than what I should be doing Saturday and shopping for a bag and pair of gloves. Christmas Eve my bag broke along with gloves that long needed replacing. Nothing caught my eye which is good thing as the sales start in just over a week with new collections arriving shortly. Sunday, long run day, 12km up along the beaches out the city, negotiating around nearly the entire population of Badalona out strolling along the promenades. Where are all these people when the weather’s not so nice?

Anyways, great practice for Wednesday. We’ve entered the Cursa Nassos (Nose Run), the last 10km night run of the year on New Years Eve. I’m looking forward to a hot chocolate afterwards as it’s gonna be freezing! Sunday travelling back from the La Roca Village shopping centre, the motorbike’s thermometer said 3.5 degrees C. BRR!

Hope you had great Christmas and are enjoying the Holidays! Has anyone else entered a New Years Eve race? 

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