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Letting Go Is Never Easy


You don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone.

This weekend saw the start of goodbyes. At the end of this month we’re leaving France for Spain. It’s bitter sweet as I’ve looked forward to this day for a long time. France is without a doubt a beautiful country. For the past week, I’ve found myself looking at it with newly arrived wonder yet at the same time I find myself detaching from it. It’s beauty is the only thing that’s hard to let go!

Sunrise Saturday

We’re moving back for 6 months at least to Barcelona. I need to feel energy again, we both need to. As much as we love the French countryside, for personal and work reasons we need a big change. It’ll be a shock going from a small sleepy town to a big bustling city. Just like it was the reverse moving here. Especially as this evening is unusually quiet outside and I like it!

Saturday I was up bright and breezy whipping out a HIIT strength combo circuit before taking AJ to the Vet. It was a good workout if I must say so and it looked something like this with an abs circuit afterwards.

Circuit 1: 3 sets, 10 reps or 30 seconds: squat jump touch downs (30 secs), kettle bell clean presses, 5x mountain climber and 5 x plank jack combo (30 secs), deadlift upright rows with a tricep kickback.

Circuit 2: 3 sets, 10 reps or 30 seconds: Resistance band squat to high pulls, spiderman press ups, burpees (30 secs), kettle bell lunge wood chops.

The Vet’s happy with AJ’s progress. He just wants the collar off to have a good scratch! Humans just don’t do it right. Next week for his check up he’ll have company as D get his vaccinations. That’ll be a fun car ride.

We miss timed the beach. As soon as we got there a big cloud came that blotted out the sun for the remainder of the day. We decided to chase it to a beach on the Cap d’Antibes but were too late. Instead we watched a storm across the bay in St Raphael. Sunday means one thing, a trail run in the park. I’ll miss this place. For 2 years it’s been my sanctuary, walking, running or biking. Every time I’ve been I haven’t wanted to leave. Every time I’ve left refreshed and energised. Time just doesn’t matter there. It just is.  I misjudged distance coming back and ended up doing 11.25km (very important the .25km!). It was a 1km increase that I definitely felt later. Post run ritual dictates coffee on the beach and that’s just what we did! My 2 favourite places in one day. I’m going to miss this place! 

What’s your Sunday ritual? Do you find it hard to say goodbyes?


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