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Winter For A Day


Saturday was one of those push your nose against the window days and sigh. Too wet and windy to venture outside for the sake of it unless you had to. With no plans made it felt like the day just slipped away.

I was busy but antsy about not being able to go outside freely. A workout didn’t help. On days like this, working out at home can feel like a chore. If you go to a gym, you separate training and chores. Training at home can sometimes feel like you never leave the house! I’ve picked up another English class, so the day was spend planning classes, spending way too long on the internet and deciding whether to venture out or not. By the time we made the decision for a walk, it was dark. We weren’t the only ones out escaping cabin fever, especially as it had stopped raining. The sea and sky were amazing as always after a storm, black, grey and and moody. Grey, rainy days in a small town, I definitely don’t like. Even the cats stayed in bed all day!

Antibes carousel/merry go round at night. The orange gives it sinister feel.Picasso museum and Nice promenade in the distance.
Sunday, the sun returned as had my energy and desire to get things done. There’s nothing like a sunny day to make you feel alive and productive!

We headed to the local park to run and thanks to the rain the day before it was practically empty (I know everyone is initialled to the park, but I always wonder where these picnickers when the weather ain’t so glorious!) I felt like I had the whole place to myself! Paul set off in one direction and I the other. There are some trails I always run, though I try to take a different route to get to them. This week I decided to run the flats first, then head off into the hilly trails. Lots of birds singing, yellow butterflies and sunshine.

Its been a while since I’ve felt strong running. I had initially set off to do 10km and misjudged my route. I wasn’t far from the car, when I glanced at my distance and saw 11.27km. I thought, 230 meters more and it’s 11.5km, another 500 metres, 12km, I can do that, I’m feeling strong today! 12km I did, my furthest distance yet! I don’t think if I ran the road, I would have run so far. My pace was slower than the roads, but trails are different to tarmac, so I wasn’t too bothered as for the distance and pace it was faster than other 10km trails. Happy Nat!

Mud = a good run!

Post park run ritual is take away coffee. Instead of driving straight home as usual, we sat along the beach taking in the sun and having a blast skimming stones. Paul’s an expert, I redeemed myself just once. 

Determined to make up for saturday when we got back, I repotted all my plants apart from the indoor ones, when I wondered why they weren’t looking as happy as those outside, cleaned the house, 30 minutes yoga and baked cookies and vegan gluten free brownies, which only just made the oven as the mix was that good! Oh, and I actually sat, watched a movie and stayed awake! Last Vegas and do guys ever grow up?!

Hope you had a good weekend! Do you have post run rituals?

It was announced on the news today that flight MH370, is somewhere at the bottom of the South Indian Ocean. If this is confirmed with pieces of wreckage, I hope the relatives and friends of the lost can start closure. I can’t even start to imagine how they are feeling.

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