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Fire vs Metal. Need Earth Chi


Out of curiosity this weekend we looked at balancing the house with Feng Shui. Nothing crazy, just moving a few elements around in corners that needed strengthening. The biggest element surprise was our own elements.

Feng shu consists of 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water that either nourish or weaken each other in a cycle. Every element has compass directions, colours and chi – energy. I’m metal, nourished by earth, weakened by fire, dominate water. Paul’s fire, nourished by wood, weakened by water, damped with earth and dominates metal. Uh oh! I’ve always said that the energy Paul radiates can be difficult to get away from. I have to stand by ground sometimes and may come off like I’m being a little madam. Maybe that’s why we’re okay to be apart for a few months while he’s working away.

The fire/metal relationship may help explain why when Paul’s away for the summer months I’m drawn more to bright pinks, oranges and yellows. Fire colours are reds, oranges, bright yellow and pinks. When he’s around, excluding coral, tropical reds and pinks (my chi will always love them!), pink, except light and tropical, around the house really does annoy me. It’s girlie and too much on the eyes. Metal colours are greys, whites and earth colours, which explains why I’ve always chosen to wear grey over black (grey tops from light grey to dark!), like white furniture and recently white/cream tops. They empower me against fire. I’ve always been drawn to blues: Caribbean sea blues and turquoise though I rarely wear them (apart from bracelets. Empowerment!), which may represent my water dominance. For Christmas, Paul asked me to make him a friendship bracelet of blues, greys with a hint of pink to represent me. That pink instead represents his him! He’s finds red stands out, I’m not a fan (hibiscus red, yes. Always an exception to the rule!). More interestingly is that whenever I go to the beach I come home with pebbles, shells, small pieces drift wood and place them in earthenware bowls or glass jars, unknowingly reenforcing my metal element! Power to the metal!

We haven’t gone crazy with water features and complete zen. Just switched my workspace around so I now face east from my south west placement, my directions and Pauls workspace to face west. While I believe we are all made from stardust (everything! From pens to whales to radios to snakes) I don’t believe everything I hear or see, I swear I could concentrate better and my mind more focused. I’ve chosen to face this direction planning my mornings in the kitchen for several months, without realising it. My workspace previously was in the south west corner, but with my back to east. I couldn’t never focus! Paul also commented he could concentrate and work better. Maybe it is a load of mumbo jumbo, but if helps focus then I’m in!

After a okay workout, nothing special. My ankle feels a lot better, though my eczema’s back (alias the health direction, the spare room which is currently being done up, so we can’t play around with the elements in there), we went to Juan les Pins for a walk about. The sunset was amazing. Oranges, yellow and blues. It didn’t matter who’s chi it was, it was beautiful!

Anime street artSunday we decided to run in the park. I read that to balance a fire/metal relationship it needs a lot of earth elements to dampen fire and nourish metal to stand their ground. I love being outside in all weathers, running trails, cycling, walking, just being out and come back energised. Maybe that’s my chi talking! I set out to do 6km, then 8km and settled on 10km. I was feeling those trails! The sun was out (so the park was super busy. It’ll be quiet again when the beach season starts!), birds were singing and I was a happy Nat! Paul set out do to 10km, but did 9.5km. He wasn’t feeling it! Too much earth? Love ya really and I know you love running trails! He did 1/2km less, but he was way faster. Red shoes?

So that was my weekend and oh, grapefruit mojitos. Oh my…..fresh grapefruit, sparking water, mint, agave syrup. If you’ve never tried one and find the mojito after taste too much (and the headache that follows!) you have to try one! You won’t be disappointed! Oh and more House of Cards on Netflix. That show’s too addictive! Have you ever tried Feng shui-ing your house or life? Did it work? Or do you think, it’s just a load of mumbo jumbo?!

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