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No Chia


There are things I really want to love and like, but they just don’t work for me. Chia seeds are one of them.

To try and stop me from crashing in the evenings I’ve started a smoothie kick. I prefer juices, however their energy hit crashes quickly as there’s no fibre to sustain the energy hit. I’m one of those people that doesn’t mean not to eat. I just forget, get caught up with the day, look at the time and think argh, no wonder I’m hungry! This mostly happens during in the day and lunch can be at 4pm! Lunch’s normally last night’s dinner left overs in a wholemeal wrap. It holds for a while, but I needed to have had a snack earlier! Say hello smoothies, one pot blender wonders. I loosely follow recipes adding protein powder, maca power, spirulina or whatever other fancy sounding supplements I find in the cupboard (thanks Paul!) and almond milk. The only thing that does’t go in is a banana. Can’t stand the smell, taste or texture unless cooked in cookies! Yep, I’m weird.

After yesterdays workout I whipped up a Tone It Up smoothie from their plan. Just one problem, no blueberries, so I added a kiwi and frozen mango instead, spirulina, Perfect Fit protein power (another thing I really, really want to like, but can’t get past the sweet stevia taste), spinach and chia seeds. Amongst many of chia seeds seemingly magic properties is that it gels up adding umph to smoothies. Bad move on my part. I keep forgetting that my body doesn’t like them. Each time I think, well maybe this time I’ll be okay. Nope! I get thirsty and bloat out. Maybe I should have ground them before adding them. Maybe I should just walk away from them!

It was still a great tasting ultra green smoothie/goo that got me through my afternoon bike ride before lunch and work!

Bike ride vistas! 
Are you a juice or a smoothie person? Are there things you really want to love, but just don’t work for you? Do you follow juice and smoothie recipes or put whatever’s at hand in?


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