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Sittin’ On The Dock Of The Bay


For the first time in ages I didn’t set my alarm for Saturday morning. Not that I hear it 95% of the time, though my phone still ends up in bed on snooze. I still don’t know how it does that. This girl still needed to rest after the osteopath Thursday.

I felt okay for a light workout. No full press ups or planks for a week and no jumping for a while, so I had to get creative with chest presses and half press ups (resistance band around shoulders). I prefer full press ups and variations as chest work. This time I have to periodise, off load workouts better and work to finding out what’s the problem. Paul got me to listen to a Rich Roll podcast (number 19 with Cross Fit Endurance Brian MacKenzie) which got me thinking about seeing someone to see if what I’m doing right/wrong, how to work around/fix it.

I also had to test drive these babies, Asics Gel Zaraca’s. I like to have 2 pairs of trainers. Firstly it’s good for the feet and second I don’t like spreading outdoor germs inside and or clean them every time after run!

Paul experimented with a vegan chocolate brownie mix that ended up being a brownie/ice cream/mousse hybrid. I think it had quinoa, protein powder and avocado in. Whatever was in it, it was delicious! The rest was frozen for chocolate bites.

If the colours were more intense sometimes reverse sunsets could be mistake for sunrises. The light pink Saturday gave it away!

We didn’t get to food shop in the week so had to face the Saturday shoppers. For a change we went to a different Carrefour in Nice. We cut it fine, spent way too long in the garden and bio/organic sections (greater selection, but a completely different peanut butter. What?!) only to have 15 minutes to speed shop the whole shopping list and check out.

I wanted to run Sunday as I didn’t want to leave it as long as last time. I told myself I didn’t have anything to prove to anyone. If anything hurts, stop, walk, don’t beat yourself up if it’s bad. You tried, that’s all that matters. Neither of us wanted to run the road and the park has a softer surface better for me. No hills (okay two. One gentle and the other I walked) which cut out the fun parts. I had to walk a few times, but I managed 6km in more or less one piece. A slow pace, but I wasn’t bothered. It was good to see a friend I past out enjoying the sunshine too with her little one!

Sunday post park run ritual dictates take away coffee. The day was way too sunny to stay inside, so we sat watching the waves roll in. We don’t get to spend much time together at the beach as we spend the summers apart. Maybe one day! House plaque walking home.
Do you ever go to different supermarkets for change or do you stick with where you know? Do you have any weekend running rituals?

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