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In A Pinch


Sunday after a 10km trail run, I needed to freshen up as we weren’t going home straight away. I’d forgotten my deodorant so I used anti bacterial hand gel instead. It did the trick. I’ve been known to use body lotion or sun cream if I’ve forgotten my deodorant after the gym or when out at the end of a long hot summers day. Trust me they work!

I do that a lot, use things for what they weren’t intended for. I may picked this up from my Dad who is usually found with string acting as a belt while working in the garden. He scrubs up dapper every now and then. Then again maybe my Mum who used to and probably still does, cut cereal boxes for shopping lists. I used to get so embarrassed. Strange how now I use envelopes, back of receipts and scrap paper for lists now without batting an eyelid. 

I use lip balm to tame day fly aways hairs when out (It’s a temporary fix, it doesn’t last long), scarves have substituted as dog leads and have on one occasion used a head band to fix a broken flip flop. I’ve used shampoo travelling as washing detergent (it kinda worked) and a pin badge to hold a top up (it kinda worked).

Yep, I took a photo. I was proud of this!

A plastic bag I’ve learnt over a bike seat will keep it and you nice a dry when raining. It doesn’t when someone nicks and you haven’t got a spare for the ride home.

Hair grips and clips make great bookmarks and candle holders are great to display shells or make odd change and pencil pots. Glass yoghurt pots and Burt’s Bees glass pots make great flower bud vases and candle holders.

Only the middle candle holder is used for it’s intended purpose. Actually I still need to burn it so I can use the pot for jewellery. Or shells.
Before I had a sandbag to workout with, I used to put a bag of cat litter in a rucksack (the full bag intact otherwise the cats may have left surprises) which worked fine until I got the real deal. I still use cat litter as sand substitute. For a while I only had 3kg dumbbells and when I needed 6kg I put them in a sport drawstring bag, wrapped the cord around tightly and bingo, 6kg. When travelling 1.5 litre water bottles have been very awkward dumbbells. The sofa doesn’t make a good box jump box substitute.

Reflective arm bands work just as well being reflective calf bands. It’s the only place it stays put.

I use the parcel wrapping paper used to protect items in transit for gift wrapping paper, stuffing in wet shoes to dry out and whatever else it can substitute newspaper for.Those annoying ribbons that come in tops (what are they for? They don’t seem strong enough for a hanger), I cut off and use as gift wrapping ribbon (if you get a present from me and the ribbon has little knots in, my secret’s out).

I can’t say I’m always quick thinking. If I was, I would have put some anti bacterial gel on my feet* Sunday too. Boy, did I know what it was like to smell like a boy.

Luckily today I got to shower straight after a morning 7km off road run. Back to smelling like a girl 😉

What have you used in a pinch? Do you recycle or reuse items if you can? I’ll point out I don’t hoard, I recycle a lot and I mean a lot, of paper, plastic, metal and glass.

* Crystal deodorant works wonders on underarms and helps keep hands and feet from getting sweaty. I’d forgotten that morning before setting off. I was too excited to be running in the park.

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