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Weekend Friday Favourites


Less than a week until Spring and less than 2 weeks until the clocks got forward. Not that I’m counting but that makes a me a one happy being knowing longer days and warmer months are coming!

Anyways Weekend Friday Favourites things that have made me smile or caught my eye this week. 

Thank You Card From The Cats

Their English is so good now! I received a thank you card from the cats (aka P) this week as they’ve been keeping me on my toes recently. Throw in moulting season too. I’m actually happy to see them shed hair. Last year Aj had just finished chemo meds and he hardly moulted transitioning seasons. D on the other hand I’ll miss his silky plush velvety winter coat as he transitions into his smooth lightweight velvet one.

Mother’s Day Present

The UK does a lot of things the other way around: drives on the other side of the road, say the opposite to what we mean and Mother’s Day’s no exception. The UK celebrates it this March when the rest of the world celebrates Father’s Day this month (the only way I remember is when the shops start selling Father’s Day gifts. Normally shaving kits). Father’s Day’s celebrated in June while it seems every other country celebrates it this month with Mother’s Day in June. I found these cute bird house plant pot flowers light enough to post in Hema for my Mum I’m hoping she’ll love. Apologies for not showing their best angles as I wasn’t going to feature them, but decided they’re too cute not to.


I love how in Spring and Autumn any time of day of day on a sunny day the fog rolls in from the sea engulfing everything. Sometimes you can see maybe 5 metres in all around.  Thursday was no exception. And yes another sign it’s warming up, the beaches are getting busy. 

Zoo Pics

I found out the reason why the penguins enclosure had a revamp with their temporary one netted off this week: bird flu. They’re back in their enclosure, the pelicans are now in the penguin’s temporary one netted off and 2 of the flamingo flocks of the same breed are tucked away in the wapiti enclosure who are now next door. 

In and Out Prisoner Squat Jumps

These burned my bum, quads, legs while working my posture and balance this week. Instead of performing a regular in and out squat jump, you add hands behind the head. Keeping the squat low the whole time and jumping legs in and out (or wide back to shoulder width apart) while keeping your chest up, abs engaged and hands behind head with good posture (shoulders blades down). Your legs are moving with your upper body more or less stationary but still working maintaining posture.

Internet Finds

Angela Lee, the world’s youngest MMA champion. CNN

Panmela Castro: Brazils graffiti queen changing attitudes. CNN

The rise of ‘modist’ fashion. CNN. Love the video for  (but not the prices!)

Neanderthals ‘self medicated’ for pain. BBC News. And FIY some neanderthals were vegan. It’s not just a human thing. It says so in the article.

‘Guardian angel’ Caddie the dog helping his autistic human. BBC News

Travelling the world with cats and a dog. BBC News

Cats maybe as intelligent as dogs. BBC News. Duh!

What’s been making you smile this week? Have a great week!

In and out squat jumps image taken from Google Images

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